Sunday, October 6, 2013

Let's Go!

My current weight as of 10/06/13: 188.4Lbs.
Goal Weight:  158Lbs

 After the birth of my son, I reached 220Lbs. Although I dropped majority of the post-pregnancy weight, I was still left with a few lingering pounds. For some, the extra baby weight and change in body would have been a problem. But, The extra weight did not bother me. I was confident in my skin regardless of what the scale said. I was still food cautious and prepared healthy meals but physical activities were limited due to work and mommy duties.
 To my surprise,I didn't realize how my comfort in my skin would change. As I scrolled through blogs, I stumbled across  Caroline Jhingory ( Her amazing weight-loss transformation rekindled the fitness drive in me. See, before my pregnancy, I was very active; Almost excessively active.  I maintained my weight through a strict vegetarian diet paired with a two hour workout regiment.  I was very energetic and looked forward to working-out. It was my lifestyle and I loved it
 Lately,just  the thought of working out seems so overwhelming and I found every excuse to avoid it.
  This morning, I made the choice to start working out again. I already knew that I would eventually start up my old routine, but I made the choice to start today for the long haul. at 7 a.m., I jumped on my elliptical and hated the first 10 minutes of it. I was tired, annoyed, and the thought of 25 more minutes on this machine seemed like torture. But as soon as it was over, and I got some water in me, I felt amazing and remembered exactly why I loved it before.

                                                                                                         Love Naturally,

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