Tuesday, June 24, 2014

LIVE & LEARN:Biblical love

True biblical love will not be a roller coaster ride. It will keep you confidently moving forward and steadily for the Lord.

     Don't you just love when life lessons you've heard growing up hits you in the head like a ton of bricks? That "ah ha" moment where the lessons heard years ago finally makes sense. At the age of 30, God is allowing the pieces of life I've collected throughout the years to  finally come together and make sense. God is allowing me to see the world with a new 
      So, as I hit this milestone in my life,  I believe God  is pulling me in to focus more on his definition of love. Yes, I know it may seem like I should already know what love is, but I believe I have allowed my own judgement to define love instead of seeking it's true meaning. I am hoping to learn and live by the biblical meaning of love, and eventually applying it to my life much easier than before. I am also learning to not allow my love for others to be used and taken advantage of. Yes, I am sure you can probably relate to some of this. As much as I have to repeat this to myself daily, I want you to know that God wants you to have love, but not if it means to sacrifice your mind and body in the process. True biblical love will not be a roller coaster ride. It will keep you confidently moving forward and steadily for the Lord.

        So, what is love? What does the bible say about love?

        Cor. 13:1-7
        A. LOVE IS PATIENT. V4 (Long suffering) Even when you feel like forcefully expressing yourself. Love bears pain or trails without complaint, shows forbearance under provocation or strain, and is steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity.
        B. LOVE IS KIND. V4 Even when you want to retaliate physically or tear down another with your words. Love is sympathetic, considerate, gentle and agreeable.
        C. LOVE IS NOT JEALOUS. V4  Especially when you are aware that others are being noticed more than you. Love does not participate in rivalry, is not hostile toward one believed to enjoy an advantage, and is not suspicious. Love works for the welfare and good of the other.
        D. LOVE DOES NOT BRAG. V4 Even when you want to tell the world about your accomplishments. Love does not flaunt itself boastfully and does not engage in self-glorification. Instead, love lifts and builds up others.
        E. LOVE IS NOT ARROGANT. V4  Even when you think you are right and others are wrong. Love does not assert itself or become overbearing in dealing with others.
        F. LOVE IS DOES NOT ACT UNBECOMINGLY. V5 (Does not behave seemly) Even when being boastful, rude or overbearing will get you attention and allow you to get your own way. Love conforms to what is right, fitting and appropriate to the situation in order to honor the Lord.
        G. LOVE DOES NOT SEEK ITS OWN. V5 Biblical love is not selfish and self seeking. True Love does not try to fulfill its own desires, does not ask for its own way, and does not try to acquire gain for itself. Love, is an act of the will which seeks to serve and not be served.
        H. LOVE IS NOT PROVOKED. V5 Even when others attempt to provoke you or you are tempted to strike out at something or someone. Love is not aroused or incited to outbursts of anger. Love continues faithfully and gently to train others in righteousness, even when they fail.
        I. LOVE DOES NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT A WRONG SUFFERED. V5 (thinketh no evil) Even when everyone seems to be against you or when people openly attack you. Love does not hold a grudge against someone. Love forgives, chooses not to bring up past wrongs in accusation or retaliation, does not return evil for evil, and does not indulge in self pity. Love covers a multitude of sins.
        J. LOVE DOES NOT REJOICE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. V6 (rejoiceth not in iniquity) Even when it seems like a misfortune was exactly what another person deserved. Love mourns over sin, its effects and the pain which results from living in a fallen world. Love seeks to reconcile others with the Lord.
        K. LOVE REJOICES WITH THE TRUTH. V6 Even when it is easier and more profitable materially to lie. Love is joyful when truth is known, even when it may lead to adverse circumstances, reviling and persecution.
        L. LOVE BEARS ALL THINGS. V7 Even when disappointments seem overwhelming. Love is tolerant, endures with others who are difficult to understand or deal with, and has an eternal perspective in difficulties. Love remembers that God develops spiritual maturity through difficult circumstances.
        M. LOVE BELIEVES ALL THINGS. V7 Even when other's actions are ambiguous and you feel like not trusting anyone. Love accepts trustfully, does not judge people's motives, and believes others until facts prove otherwise. Even when facts prove that the other person is untrustworthy, love seeks to help restore the other to trustworthiness.
        N. LOVE HOPES ALL THINGS. V7 Even when nothing appears to be going right. Love expects fulfillment of God's plan and anticipates the best for the other person. Love confidently entrusts others to the Lord to do His sovereign and perfect will in their lives.
        O. LOVE ENDURES ALL THINGS. V7 This is one of the hardest to practice. Especially when you think you just can't endure the people or circumstances in your life. Love remains steadfast under suffering or hardship without yielding and returns good while undergoing trials.
        P. LOVE NEVER FAILS. V8 Even when you feel overwhelmed and the situation seems hopeless. Love will not crumble under pressure or difficulties. Love remains selflessly faithful even to the point of death.

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    LOOK FABULOUS: White Southern Belle

    Today was extremely hot!,Although, I would normally toss on a light cardigan, I felt too gorgeous to do so. Instead, I decided to wear this very flirty lace dress by .Mlle Gabrielle(Find a similar one Here). I love  a white dress that makes you feel feminine and dainty :).
    Love, Naturally JoJo
    Dress: Ross -Shoes:Quipid -Bag: Thrifted(Goodwill Katy, TX)
    Shoes By :Quipid

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    LOOK FABULOUS: White Hot Summer Maxi


    So, I've been obsessing over Maxi Dresses for the summer;particularly White Maxi Dresses. We all know by now that maxi dresses are a must have! There are so many looks one can pull off with a Maxi dress. A Maxi dress  is also one of those closet items that does not discriminate against figure or height.

    White maxi dresses incorporate two of this season's hottest summer trends and can be worn a variety of ways. So, Here are my top picks this summer, where you can find similar looks for less, and why you should definitely wear this look. 

    "The Great for all Bust"

    Designers have come up with several new designs of strapless white maxi dresses for  busty women. If you need a relax look for the beach , brunch with the ladies, or to run your errands without "falling out", This dress will help create an effortless look. 

    H&M Maxi dress

    H&M Maxi dress   (see more H&M)

    "The Flirty Lace"
    There is something about lace that is timeless and filled with femininity. This is why I selected this white Laced detailed dress as a must have this summer.


    Dress   (see more maxi dresses)

    "Not ready for White,yet"

    As a curvy chicky myself, I know wearing white can be a scary thing. I use to personally  stay far away from any shade that will enhance the wrong curves, and white was on that blacklist.So, I completely understand if you are not ready to make such a bold move. Here is a great look to ease into wearing white

    "Evening Chic"

    Have a special event coming up? A white maxi dress is appropriate for many different kinds of occasions. Selecting the right fabric, the right one for your figure, and the right accessories to match can help create a stunning look.

    Monday, June 9, 2014

    LEARN : Grace is Sufficient

    "Dear God: I thought the only way you could use me was if I did everything right. Thank you for showing me that my brokenness gave you more to use,not less. I've spent so long trying to reject what you were trying to bless. I welcome every battle and invite every struggle. I know when this is over, you'll use every scare I've learned to love.
    Signed: Learning what matters"
    I can't even begin to tell you how reading Sarah Jakes Memoir  opened a door of healing and accepting  the grace that God bestowed on us. Author Sarah Jakes  openly shares her life story as a Famous Pastors daughter,  her struggles with self-identity, and her short comings. In her Memoir titled "Lost & Found"Sarah Jakes hopes that she will inspire her readers to learn from her experiences. 
    Although there are some mixed reviews on her book, I admire Ms. Jakes for sharing her story. Her willingness to be transparent  to her readers made her a plus in my books. I was able to relate to some of her struggles with  faith and drew strength from her messages. She also blogs her inspirational Journey in an effort to encourage others to push beyond their shortcomings.Her Memoir is an example of how we are never too broken to mend, and that we can be restored.

    Friday, June 6, 2014

    LOOK FABULOUS: Goodwill Hunting- Katy, TX

    In this day and time who doesn't want to save a few bucks?
    A favorite pastime of mine is a good old day of thrifting. I enjoy finding great fashion pieces at a very affordable price. I've deemed my thrifting as a smart way to shop without breaking the banks,and a great way to expand my eclectic wardrobe. This summer, I decided to expand my purse collection, but strictly focusing on finding crossbody bags. To my surprise, I was able to find more than what I bargained for. My destination was the Goodwill in Katy, TX. I was able to score big with $50 bucks in hand. Check out my great find!
    Calvin Klein Leather Quilted Crossbody Bag $148
    Goodwill $7.99
    Authentic Louis Vuitton Musette Crossbody bag(Retail $1000)
    Goodwill $20
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    Laugh & Look Fabulous: Summer Naturals!

    Summer is here! Yay! That means the lovely twist-outs, flat twist & high puffs will be out and about this season. Summer hairstyles for Natural Fashionista means pulling curly hair up and out of the way, while keeping you chic & fashionable! Today I selected  daretodiffer_judy  for  her lovely double flat twist. This is the perfect get up and go style.  I love this look!
      If you like what you see, feel free to "like" this page, subscribe, and share the Joy!

    Thursday, June 5, 2014

    LIVE: The Best 289 Calories Smoothie Ever!

    I decided to start juicing for breakfast and immediately remembered how great and refreshing a green smoothie can be. So I whipped up a quick batch of what I called my "JoJo's Fresh start Smoothie. Here is what I used to make this awesome drink.
    2 Cup of water
    1 Banana
    6 Large Strawberries
    7 Baby Carrots
    1 Cup of baby spinach leaves
    1 Apple
    1 scoop of 321 Slim-Fast(Vanilla)