Monday, June 9, 2014

LEARN : Grace is Sufficient

"Dear God: I thought the only way you could use me was if I did everything right. Thank you for showing me that my brokenness gave you more to use,not less. I've spent so long trying to reject what you were trying to bless. I welcome every battle and invite every struggle. I know when this is over, you'll use every scare I've learned to love.
Signed: Learning what matters"
I can't even begin to tell you how reading Sarah Jakes Memoir  opened a door of healing and accepting  the grace that God bestowed on us. Author Sarah Jakes  openly shares her life story as a Famous Pastors daughter,  her struggles with self-identity, and her short comings. In her Memoir titled "Lost & Found"Sarah Jakes hopes that she will inspire her readers to learn from her experiences. 
Although there are some mixed reviews on her book, I admire Ms. Jakes for sharing her story. Her willingness to be transparent  to her readers made her a plus in my books. I was able to relate to some of her struggles with  faith and drew strength from her messages. She also blogs her inspirational Journey in an effort to encourage others to push beyond their shortcomings.Her Memoir is an example of how we are never too broken to mend, and that we can be restored.

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